Category Life Enhancement

Life Enhancement Through the Small Stuff…

elderly lady washing carrots
That moment of connection, a sparkle in a patient’s eye. it is autonomy, dignity, self-worth, the feeling of being valuable. My favorite moments in health care are when that light shines through my patients. As caregivers it is all too easy to get caught up in the overwhelming load of providing the best possible care, keeping house, feeding the family, balancing work and all life’s other challenges. It can often be easier and faster for the caregiver if we just do it ourselves, forgetting that it’s the small things in life that often add up to a quality life. Breathe, we’ll take this one step at a time.

Risk Worth Taking

In taking care of a loved one we can get really caught up in keeping them safe, keeping them healthy, keeping the situation under control. Our goal sometimes becomes quantity of life over quality of life. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for life and life as long as possible. But I want life as good as possible as well.