I don’t know that I don’t remember, don’t tell me I forgot
My cheeks burn when you correct me, my heart clinches because I’m not right
I am still your mother or maybe you’re my sister?
I’ve navigated this world long enough to get these wrinkles in my hands
In my head I am dancing, twirling round and round
Waiting for true love to walk up to the door
Don’t tell me he’s not coming, don’t tell me he’s gone before
I would cry myself to sleep and tomorrow wait at that door
Can’t you say he’s been called away, my love has been deployed
Tell me now don’t worry, he’s not gone to war
I’ve navigated this world long enough to get these wrinkles in my hands
In my head I am dancing, twirling round and round
Waiting for true love to walk up to the door
You can’t be my daughter, maybe you’re my mom
I need to go to school now, I can’t be married I’m too young
I don’t understand these things driving down the road
Where’s the horse and buggy I need to go to the store
Everything is spinning I’m lost and so unsure
I’ve navigated this world long enough to get these wrinkles in my hands
In my head I am dancing, twirling round and round
Waiting for true love to walk up to the door
If this sounds familiar a blessing is soon to come
Take mom’s hand and dance with her
She will lead you through her life in reverse
Each stage she will show to you
Listen very closely, so much she has to tell
What a blessing it is to get the chance to live so long ago
Grab yourself a journal, this you will want to write down
Through trial and error you’ll get it right
Your mistakes will be forgotten